2017-2018 Projects


Sr. No.Name of studentsTitle of the Project 
11. Ware DeepakOragnic Waste Compost making Machine
2. Patil Mayur
3. Khnadekar Santosh
4. Khandekar Archana
21. Choughule RohitManufacturing of solar water distillation system using Lauric acid as storage medium
2. Kshirsagar Sahil
3. Magar Pranjal
31. Onkar GosaviDesign and fabrication of automatic pneumatic jack system
2. Yashodhan Karanjikar
3. Aditya Gaikwad
4. Akashay Dhamal
41. Kunal KshirsagarDesign and analysis of indexing fixture using planetary gear mechanism
2. Sarang Upasani
3. Ganesh Kale
4. Aditya Kamble
51. Inzmam ShaikhDetermination of Thermal contact resistance
2. Aditya Shinge
61.Aditya KoradeDesign and Manufacturing of Die for Louvers of motor casing
2. Vyankatesh Tapkire
71. Ameya UrunkarDesign of the Water supply control system using solenoid Valave and Arduino
2. Sanket Jagtap
3. Sanket Shinde
4. Saurabh Darade
81. Akash kadamAn Experimantal Study of Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification & Air cooling system
2. Shashikant Chandgude
3. Shubham Pokharna
4. Suhas Kajawe
91. Harshad PatilDesign and modification of milling fixture for square shank
2. Suraj Deshmukh
3. Sarim Shaikh
4. Shubham Tiwari
101. Saagr BangeraDesign and manufacturing of adjustable spherical drive
2. Keyur Chauhan
3. Omkar Dhumal
4. Vikram Rajput
111. Abhijit ShindeExperimental analysis of effect of number of layers on the properties of natural fibre composites
2. Payal Sagale
3. Swapnil Veer
4. Tushar Shinde